David Pantaleon (1978 Valleseco, Gran Canaria, Spain). BA in Drama School by Escuela de Actores de Canarias, since 2006 began his career as director. With his works he has attended festivals such as Rotterdam, Oberhausen (SIGNIS Award for LA PASIÓN DE JUDAS, 'The Passion of Judas', 2014), Vila do Conde, Rio de Janeiro, L'Alternativa, Las Palmas (Best International Short Film with EL BECERRO PINTADO (The Painted Calf), Lima Independiente, Málaga, Alcances, Filmadrid or ALCINE, among others. Some of his works to be highlighted are EL POLINIZADOR (Pollinator, 2016), TRES CORDEROS (Three Lambs, 2015), FIESTA DE PIJAMAS(Pyjamas party, 2015), A LO OSCURO MÁS SEGURO (2013) o FONDO O FORMA (2011), these last two films, among with LA PASIÓN DE JUDAS, forms the "Cardboard Tales" trilogy, made with the collaboration of people with functional diversity of the Occupational Center of Valleseco.
RENDIR LOS MACHOS is his first fiction feature film, which premiered at the Seville Festival where he won the AC/E (Acción Cultural Española) award.