Marga Almirall (La Floresta, 1989) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication, a Postgraduate Degree in Audiovisual Editing, and has studied the Feminist Laboratory of Documentary Creation at La Bonne, as well as studies theory and film critics. She currently works at Drac Màgic cooperative where she is co-responsible for film education projects. She directed the video essay DEAR (DAILY) LIFE (Estimada (vida) diaria), and co-directed with Marta Nieto THE LAUGHTER OF THE JELLYFISH "La carcajada de la medusa" and FROM A BODY TO THIS PART "De un cuerpo a esta parte". She has directed the short films ELENA UNIVERSO (2018), which received a special mention from the jury at the Alcances documentary film festival, and EL QUE ENCARA EN BALLA (2021), selected for the Shortcat program by Catalan Films. In 2023 she directed the piece SOMORROSTRO EN TRES ACTES for the program "City Symphonies" co-produced by the CCCB in and Dones Visuals, which premiered at D'A Film Festival in Barcelona in 2023.